Poisonous Plants

Written by Administrator. Posted in Safety

Poisonous Parrot PlantsUnknowingly, you may have toxic plants around your household which present a serious danger to your bird. Parrots instinctually enjoy chewing and shredding plants. If you allow your parrot unsupervised access to your home, you should take steps to make sure toxic plants are removed from your home.


The following is a partial a list of potentially harmful indoor and outdoor plants. 

Acokanthera Firethorn/Pyracantha Oak (acorns, foliage)
Alacia Flame Tree Olaxis
Amaryllis (bulbs) Flamingo Flower Oleander
American Yew Fly Agaric Mushroom/Deadly Amanita Parsley
Angel’s Trumpet

Four O’Clock

Peach (leaves, twigs, pits)
Apple (seeds) Foxglove (leaves, seeds)

Peanuts (if raw)

Apricot (pit, bark) Geranium Peace Lily
Arrowhead Vine Glory Bean Pear (seeds)
Autumn Crocus/Meadow Saffron Glottidium Pencil Tree
Avocado Golden Chain/Laburnum Peony (flowers, leaves)
Azalea (leaves) Ground Cherry Periwinkle
Balsam Pear (seeds, outer rind of fruit) Heliotrope Peyote
Belladonna Hemlock (including water the plant is in) Philodendron
Baneberry (berries, root)


Beans (all types if uncooked) Holly (berries, leaves) Pikeweed
Betal Nut Palm

Honey Locust

Pine needles (berries)
Bird of Paradise (seeds & flowers) Honeysuckle

Plum (leaves, seeds)

Birch Horse Chestnut/Buckeye (nuts, twigs) Poinsettia
Bishop's Weed Horse Nettle Poison Hemlock
Bittersweet Nightshade


Poison Ivy (sap)

Black Locust (bark, sprouts, foliage) Hyacinth (bulbs) Poison Oak (sap)
Bleeding Heart/Dutchman’s Breeches Hydrangea (flower bud) Poison Sumac
Bloodroot Indian Licorice Bean Pokeweed/Inkberry (leaves, roots, and berries)
Blue-green algae (some forms toxic) Indian Turnip/Jack-in-the-Pulpit Poppy
Boxwood (leaves, stems)

Iris/Blue Flag (bulbs)

Potato (eyes, new shoots, stems, leaves, green skin)
Bracken Fern Ivy


Broomcorn Grass Jack-in-the-Pulpit Primrose
Buckthorn (fruit, bark) Japanese Yew (needles, seeds) Privet
Burdock Java Bean (lima bean - uncooked) Pyracantha
Buttercup (sap, bulbs)

Jerusalem Cherry 

Caladium (leaves) Jessamine

Rain Tree

Calla Lily Jimsonweed Ranunculus/Buttercup
Candelabra Tree Johnson Grass Rattlebox
Cardinal Flower Jonquil Red Maple
Castor Bean (also castor oil, leaves)

Juniper (needles, stems, berries)

Catclaw Acacia

Jerusalem Cherry (berries)

Rhubarb (leaves)
Chalice Vine/Trumpet vine Kentucky Coffee Tree Rosary Peas/Indian Licorice (seeds)
Cherry Tree (bark, twigs, leaves, pits)

Lantana (immature berries)

Chinaberry Tree Larkspur Sandbox Tree
Christmas Candle (sap)


Scarlet Runner Beans
Christmas Cherry Lily of the Valley Shamrock plant


Skunk Cabbage
Clematis/Virginia Bower Locoweed Snap Dragon
Coffee Locusts, Black/Honey


Coral Plant (seeds) Lords and Ladies/Cuckoopint Snowflake
Coriander Lupines/Bluebonnet Snow on the Mountain/Ghostweed
Cowslip/Marsh Marigold Malanga Sorghum Grass
Crown of Thorns



Mango Tree (wood, leaves, rind - fruit is safe)


Cyad or Sago Cyas

Marijuana/Hemp (leaves)

Star of Bethlehem
Daffodil (bulbs) Mayapple (fruit is safe) Sudan Grass
Daphne (berries) Mescal Beans (seeds) Sweet Pea (seeds, fruit)
Datura (berries) Mexican Poppy Tansy Ragwort
Deadly Amanita Milkweed Tobacco 
Death Camas Mistletoe (berries)

Tomato plant


Mock Orange (fruit) Umbrella Plant
Dieffenbachia Monkshood/Aconite (leaves, root) Vetches
Eggplant (fruit okay) Monstera Virginia Creeper
Elderberry (leaves) Moonseed Water Hemlock
Elephants Ear (leaves, stem) Morning Glory Wattle
English Ivy (berries, leaves) Mountain Laurel Waxberry
English Yew Mushrooms (many varieties) Weeping Fig


Western Yew
Euonymus/Spindle Tree Narcissus (bulbs) White Cedar
European Pennyroyal


False Hellebore Nightshade Yellow Jasmine
False Henbane Nutmeg Yew (All types)

Sources:    American Medical Association Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants; Gallerstein, Gary A., DVM, 2003, The Complete Bird Owner's Handbook; R. Dean Axelson, Caring For Your Pet Bird; and various internet sources.

If you have a question regarding the safety of a specific plant ask your veterinarian, local green house, or the Animal Poison Control Center (AAPCC).

Click here for a list of Safe Plants.

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