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Parrot with Foraging Bread ToyTry baking your favorite birdie bread recipes in mini-muffin pans. Use the end of a wooden spoon to put a hole in each muffin before putting them in the oven. This enables you to string the birdie bread on toys which creates a foraging experience for your parrot. Here is my parrot's favorite bird bread recipe:

Curry Corn Bread

Dry ingredients:
3 cups stone ground cornmeal
3 cups stone ground whole grain flours (try for a mixture). Examples include amaranth, barley, garbanzo, oat, triticale, spelt. You can also just use whole wheat flour.
1 1/2 cups mixed rolled grains (usually found in the bulk food section of the grocery store or health food store). You can also just use rolled oats.
1 1/2 cups 7-grain cereal (this is a coarse ground cereal containing a mixture of grains like wheat, rye, triticale, barley, brown rice, oat bran, flaxseed, etc.)
1/3 to1/2 cup raw pumpkin seed
1/3 to1/2 cup raw sunflower seed
3/4 cup millet
1 tablespoon curry powder
Mix all of the dry ingredients above together in a very large mixing bowl.

About 3 cups of finely chopped or grated vegetables (Examples: broccoli, beets, chayote squash, zucchini, greens [Swiss Chard, collard, kale, mustard], carrots, peas, corn, etc.)
Mix the vegetables in with the dry ingredients thoroughly so that they become well-coated with the flours and are no longer present in clumps.

Wet ingredients:

In a blender or food processor, puree the following together:
6 eggs
1 large can pumpkin (29 oz)
1 cup water or other liquid (carrot juice, almond milk, etc.)
Add the wet ingredients to the dry mixture and mix thoroughly. (You might need to use your hands, since this creates quite a dense dough.)

Place into mini muffin pans and bake at 350 degrees for about 25 to 30 minutes. Use one level tablespoon per muffin. Before baking, use the end of a wooden spoon to create a hole in the center of each muffin, which then allows you to place these onto food skewers or incorporate into foraging toys. Makes about 120 muffins.

This recipe can be halved quite easily. It also freezes quite well after baking.

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